My Thoughts on Journey

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What is Journey?

Journey is a adventure art game, and it was developed by ThatGameCompany and was released on March 13 2015.


You play as a robed traveler who is trying to make it to the mountain in the distance. During your journey there is a possibility that you can run into another robed traveler who is being controlled by another person.

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This is the robed traveler

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Here I am with another person who was with me for most of my journey


You pretty much just explore, and occasionally interact with other objects. Also later on there is this one hazard but it only knocks you down rather then kill because you cannot die in this game.

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Here I am walking through a nice looking environment

Music; Sound, and Visuals

All Three of these are great they make the game look like a moving masterpiece of a painting.

Final Thoughts

For what it is I enjoyed my journey to the mountain, in fact me just writing about does not do it justice you have to really experience it yourself. If you like these types of games you can get this game for free if you have playstation plus, but if you don't you can get it for $15 on PS3, and PS4.

Side Notes

The steem that I receive from my posts allows me to purchase new games, and this allows me to be consistent. Also if anyone wants to talk about games in general my information is below.


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