Does PC Master Race Have A Contender?

Not likely but Microsoft's new console is packing some punch.

The Electronics Entertainment Expo, E3, has left many things to be excited for in its wake. Not only for this holiday season but for next year as well. One of which, is the unveiling of the long-awaited Project Scorpio by Xbox. In typical Xbox fashion, the new console has been named Xbox One X, instead of Xbox Two. Microsoft has come a long way since the release of the first Xbox in 2001. Long gone are the days of bulky consoles and even more bulbous controllers. The new console has been deemed the most powerful console in the world. Still doesn’t contend with PC, “the master race” but for those of us that are PC illiterate, the Xbox One X is the next best thing. The overhaul will have features that even the PC world won’t easily turn their nose up at. The console is set to be released November 7. Winter is coming and it looks beautiful!


Processing Power

The new console will come equipped with 6 Teraflops, 12 GB of GDDR5 memory at 326 GB/s compared to the Xbox One only rocking 1.31 Teraflops, 8 GB of DDR3 at 63.3 GB/s, quite a big difference. Translated to English that means that games can be made in 4K and drastically lower load times for games. Not only that, games that are out now can be enhanced to look better. Which will be awesome for the added backward compatible that are soon to be released. This just means that I will have to get a 4K TV in the near future.


4K Gaming

With all that processing power, we can expect some beautiful games to experience. This also will give developers to be more ambitious with their titles. I remember when 4K first hit the scene. I was excited while others were skeptical. Mainly thinking that it meant TV’s would just go up in price. Which they did but once improvements and material cost went down so did the price. Especially with plasma and tube televisions becoming a thing of the past High-Definition televisions have become the standard. I see the next shift happening once we come across something to replace LED pixels, probably not going to happen within the next few years. A great feature being able to game in 4K will be the ability to enhance games that were not made in 4K. Some exclusive titles will already be made in 4K for the release of the new console. With all these advancements, I’m curious to see more implementation of AR and VR.



No surprise that the new console will come with a hefty price point of $499. If past console releases are any indication, this console will drop in price within the year following its release. The Xbox One can be purchased brand new for $250, Kinect not included. I would want nothing more than to buy the console the day it is released but with my experience with buying the Xbox One the day of release, I think I’ll wait. Bugs and technical issues are expected to occur when releasing a console of this magnitude. Like the Xbox One, I expect these issues to be addressed quickly and vigorously. I could be completely wrong and the console could go off without a hitch but I’ll remain hesitant at least until this time next year.

Since I love gaming as a whole, I never got involved with the “Holy Wars” when it came to the consoles. I respect all consoles. This is NOT a jab at any of the other consoles. Xbox is the one I stuck with for its community and customer support. Also, since they were the first to make high bandwidth internet mandatory.


Thank you for your attention!

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