PC vs Console: Match of the Century

It is time for the final showdown, the two heavyweights of the world taking each other on, to decide once and for all who is the best platform for gaming. That's right, it is PC vs Console in a no holds barred battle, anything goes. Who will come out victorious?


About the Referee

I've been Gaming on both PC and Console since the beginning. My first console was a Pong look-a-like and since then I have played on everything from the Atari 2600 to the Playstation 4.
I started PC gaming on a Pentium 166 with Windows 95 and have built different rigs (AMD and Intel) with both Windows OS and Linux, currently I have a AMD rig with Windows 10 and Steam as my main source for PC games.
Those are my credentials, now.....



In the red corner we have PC nicknamed the "PC master", an all-round powerhouse. Throughout his existence no-one has been able to knock him out. Challengers like the Steam Machine came and went but all were defeated by this behemoth.
PC has the power and keeps getting stronger each year while the competition keeps lagging behind. His style is predictive but effective, hard powerful punches and flexibility. Surely a favorite.


In the blue corner Console, aka "the Living Room Dominator". Console is built for speed and 'the people's favorite, champion of the masses. With each generation Console gets more sophisticated and powerful. His exclusive style sets him apart from the opposition and he his signature "only on console" move will most likely keep PC on his toes.

Round 1: Power

PC starts this round with an Intel I7 processor and two Nvidia's 1080 ti's in SLI mode. This looks bad for Console who can only bring the Xbox one X's 8 core, 2.3 Ghz processors to the table. PC hits Console with a hard left, screaming "Threadripper". Console retaliates with a jab, shouting "4K @60 FPS". But PC looks unimpressed and hits Console with a devastating right, "uncapped FPS, Biatch".....Console goes to the mat.

Round 1 goes to PC

Round 2: Speed

This is what Console was literally built for and he starts hitting PC with powerful jabs whispering "cartridges, plug-n-play, digital downloads". PC seems to stagger under the assault but retaliates with a left-cross, screaming "Steam". This blow catches Console off guard and Console staggers back. PC closes in to finish of with "Origin" and "Uplay" but that was a mistake. Console counters with an "Xbox Live and PSN" left-right combo. PC steps back realizing the mistake. Then a desperate move on the part of PC as he brings back the I7 an 1080's but this time Console blocks with a "dedicated custom hardware" defense.

Round two ends in a tie

Round 3: Games

PC starts this round with a powerful "Backwards compatibility" uppercut that sends Console flying backwards. Console seems shaken and PC closes in to end this round quickly. The "Steam" jab almost hits home but Console evades the jab and hits PC with his powerful "console exclusives" move. PC is in trouble and Console drives PC into the ropes yelling, Last of US, Uncharted, Nier Automata, Forza, Gears of War. PC is taking a pounding and is just standing in the corner taking the shots. But then out of nowhere PC finds an opening and lands a hit on Console...."Windows 10". This punch takes the wind out of Console. Console stumbles back...end of round.

Round 3 ends in a tie

Round 4: Ease of use

Console comes out swinging, landing jabs on PC. PC has no answer for Consoles flurry of punches and is trying to hold him off. You can almost hear Console singing "Plug-n-play, just insert the disc, no drivers needed, what is configuration? what are required settings?". PC is in trouble, he tries a weak attempt to land a "Steam Machines" punch but Console knows that move all too well. Console expertly dodges the punch and hits PC with a devastating new signature move "PlayLink". PC goes down...End of round

Round 4 goes to Console

Round 5: Flexibility

This time it's PC that comes out swinging driving Console back. PC is dishing out hard rights and lefts. This is PC's best round as he beats Console into a pulp. Customizable hardware, choose the OS you want, 3rd-party software. There is no way that Console can win this round.

Round 5 goes to PC

Round 6: Control

This is going to be an interesting round. PC hits hard with the "Keyboard-mouse" combo. Console gets hit hard and stumbles back but fights back, first a left "dual-shock" punch, followed up by a "xbox controller" right cross and then the "Wii U tablet-controller" uppercut. PC is caught by surprise and stumbles back. Console closes in with the Nintendo "nunchucks" move but PC stops him cold in his tracks with the "Steam controller" counter.
Then PC delivers a low blow, the "aim assist" punch hits Console below the belt (ooh, that's gotta hurt). Things are getting unfriendly inside the ring.
PC tries to end this round with another powerful "Keyboard-mouse" combo but Console has an ace up his sleeve and hits PC with a devastating "XIM4" punch.
But wait!...the match is put on hold while the judges decide whether "XIM4" is legal or not. There has been a lot of discussion about this move.
The verdict comes back........... "XIM4" is allowed...

Round 6 goes to Console

Round 7: Peripherals

Final round, and the two fighters come out swinging. PC gets in the first hit while yelling "VR". Console takes that one on the chin and looks dazed for a second but quickly recovers and retaliates with a "Playstation VR" left. But PC sees that one coming and side steps. PC lands a hard left punch called "1080P-VR-visuals" on Console's head. Console desperately tries to come back into the fight with a series of signature jabs, a left "kinect" a right "eyetoy" but PC just dodges those weak moves. Console tries to follow up with the "Lips-singstar microphone" combo but PC also dodges those failed attempts.
But Consoles tactics are having an effect, Console has been trying to wear PC out and it is showing. PC has no answer to Consoles attack and the two just grapple each other.
The referee decides to end this disappointing last round.

Round 7 ends in a tie

Final Decision

The match ended it a draw so it's up to the judges to decide who will win on points.

It took the judges hours of deliberation but finally the results came back.
The undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World is...


We understand that Console is already talking about a rematch when the next generation of Consoles will launch, do you think PC will remain Champion? Let me know in the comment section.

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