Purslane another super food labeled as a Weed.

postimage Purslane is another one of those weeds that gardeners are constantly pulling. But wait, don't throw that weed in the compost pile just yet. Purslanes official name is Portulaca Oleracea. It is a wonderful succulent that is loaded with vitamins, minerals and plenty of healing power. This wonderful plant Is loaded with Omega 3, Beta carotene, vitamin A, Vitamin C, nd B complex. The mineral content includes Iron, Magnesium, potassium, Copper and Magenese. Another great healing prize found in this little garden beauty is 2 types of Betalian Alkaloid pigments that are known for their anti-oxidant properties. But how do we eat this little weed?
Purslane has great texture and works very well in salads. In her native land, this plant is use widely in Curry and soup. There are several recipes out there for pickled purslane. So broaden your horizons and please share your recipe.

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