Black Thumb Chronicles : Hello Lasagna Bag Garden!


Guess who convinced her Hubby to do a Lasagna/Bag Garden combo? šŸ™Œ

Hubby comes home yesterday and starts gearing up to go out to the garden.

At which point I had to tell him to hold his horses and proceeded to tell him everything I learned yesterday proposing the Lasagna idea as I truly believe if we went to the effort now, it will help our soil quality and in turn our crops in the future.

The moment I told him he'd have to wait til October, it was a straight "No".

But I persisted because you see it solves all my problems right now.

Here's my logic....

1. I can finally get rid of all my cardboard


Y'all know how much all this rubbish has been on my nerves since we moved. Throwing it in the lasagna mix is the quickest way to get rid of them.

2. All the things we pulled out during the clearing can go too.

Exhibits A, B and C.

Our green bins get collected every fortnight and by the looks of the huge piles of foliage in our yard we have about 6 weeks before we can clear everything and see our lawn again.

Throwing it in the lasagna instead, again, is the quickest way to get rid of them.

4. The mountain of grass cuttings.


I'm willing to bet this mound has been building for a while now. Who knows exactly how many owners ago this started but I can tell you Hubby has added to the pile since we've been here.

It needs to go and it's perfect for the lasagna.

4. Money


If we lasagna it, we'd be filling in a huge amount of space with premium soil. Granted she won't be ready for months but still, that's soil we don't need to pay for and that's more money towards the plants.

5. It really is worth Lasangafying.


Look. Nothing beats having awesome soil (atleast that's what every one keeps saying.) We are going to eat all this and I think we're worth going the extra mile for. By doing this we are ultimately looking after ourselves.



Save the environment. Every little bit we do counts. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

The Compromise

The whole rush with getting the garden and the house sorted is because of the highly anticipated House Warming party at the beginning of June, making it a double celebration as it's also Hubby's birthday.

For him not having the veggie garden up by then was completely out of the question.

So in comes the bag planting idea in conjunction with the lasagna.


We will simply go ahead and plant our plants in the garden bags, but we'll put them on top of the lasagna adding mulch on top to hide the bags and add another layer to the lasagna.

This way in 6 months time all we need to do is.

  1. Take the bags off the lasagna
  2. Dig a hole, moving the mulch layer to the sides.
  3. Cut off the plastic from the soil bags.
  4. Replant soil bag plants in the new you beaut lasagna soil.

I think it's a brilliant compromise even though it all went my way and I got to do both things I wanted to do.

He wanted to go old school with a weed mat and getting a ton of soil ~ which would have cost a lot of money and still would have left us with the piles of grass cuttings, cardboard and foliage.

I was not down for any of that.

Tomorrow we're doing the Bunnings trip!!

We're going to continue on slowly, doing a couple of test bags first, before we fill the entire veggie patch with bags.

Tomatoes, basil and marigolds are on top of my list. I would love eggplant too, but I don't know how it's all going to fit in 2-3 bags of soil. Hubby also mentioned lettuce.... lol

In among all that, the Lasagna Project is a GO! It's meant to rain in a couple of days and I want the lasagna set up in before then so nature can help with our water bill.

It's gonna be a huge tiring weekend for me but I already know it's gonna be worth it.

As per usual, if you have any gardening tips I would love to read them, so please pop them in the comments!

Happy Friday Everyone!

ā¤ Arly

Photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 8

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