A life under the tropical sun. Reptiles, damselflies and my perspective on sunscreen.

There’s always a lot of work to do in the garden. At the moment I’m very busy just trimming, clipping and weeding. Weeds grow like crazy here. The same with the grass. In the fields the grasses grow easily 3-4 metres tall. That takes about 5 minutes. Here’s a picture of what came off the garden today and yesterday. It’s definitely time to build that second compost heap. But I haven’t even started yet, I’m ashamed to say.


While I was busy in the garden this beautiful damselfly showed up. It is ever so small, only an inch long. I never saw a damselfly like this before. There are a lot dragonflies here in Suriname but way less damselflies.


It was very difficult to take a good picture. Because it’s so small the camera finds it difficult to focus on it. There was also a lot of wind and that makes it even more difficult.


I think it’s really stunning. The blue is so vibrant.

Speaking of vibrant colours, look at that green lizard. I think it’s an Anole or maybe even an chameleon. Maybe I should ask @papa-pepper, that is more his territory.


The tail is extremely long. With tail this lizard is about 25 cm long. It’s because it was moving over the lawn otherwise I would’ve never seen it. It's that well camouflaged. Whether it’s rare or not I don’t know but this was the first time I saw it.


This lizard we see all the time in the garden. It’s always looking for insects to eat but it must be careful because they are not on top of the food-chain.


The great Kiskadee is probably their biggest threat. This bird catches them and it will smack the poor lizard on a branch, but usually our fence, until it’s dead. It’s then swallowed whole as can been seen in the picture.


Difficult to spot are these little cayman living in the canals. Just his eyes and nose are sticking above the water. It’s only about 0,5 metres long. I saw it a couple of days ago.


Warning! Little rant coming up.

I was working the whole day in the sun and was slightly burned. That’s unusual, it hardly ever happens anymore. We live practically on the equator and the sun can be extremely intense. But I never use any sunscreen. If you use it, please stop using it immediately. Throw it away and never buy it again. It’s full of poison that’s being absorbed by your biggest organ; the human skin. If you get burned in the sun than you’re an idiot like me that didn’t listen to his own body and stayed out to long. The sun doesn’t cause skin cancer, it’s a lie! Sunscreen does.

It’s almost only in the western countries where people get skin cancer. Well that’s weird because everybody there spends a fortune on sunscreen nowadays. Here in Suriname there is almost no skin cancer. Because hardly anybody can afford sunscreen.

The sun is actually very good for you. Vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer. You can read an article from Dr. Mercola about it here.

Much love,



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