CONTEST: Gardening Tips And Tricks

I am really getting into the gardening spirit. I feel it in my soul! It's a bit odd since the last 7 years I wasn't able to even consider gardening until June at the earliest because we lived up north. But here in sunny Florida it is 80 degrees, the flowers are blooming, and I have a very large patio that is screaming to be laiden with pots of glorious growing things.

However, I realize that much of the country and parts of the world are frozen quite solid at the moment. So, in the spirit of positive thinking, and knowing how it feels to believe that winter will literally never end, I thought we could have a little contest. Here's the nitty gritty if you're interested:


Write a detailed post sharing tips or tricks for increasing your harvest, ridding the garden of pests, or just making gardening life easier.

Example: In my first gardening post I mentioned that I used coyote urine to deter deer...this could have easily been a lengthy, hilarious post all it's own considering all of the fail that occured before we learned our lesson.


  1. Only one entry per person please!
  2. All content should be original. Images and videos should also be your own, but if not, they need to be properly sited as such, of course.
  3. All entries must be tagged with #gardencontest or they will not be considered.
  4. Have fun, tell your story, share your insight!


Of course, the prizes are the best part, right? Remember, prizes are awarded based on originality of content.

1st Place: 10 SBD

2nd Place: 5 SBD

3rd Place: 2 SBD


All entries must be submitted by 5pm EST February 17th 2017. Winners will be announced and awarded at 8pm February 17th 2017.


If you would like to partake in Judging the contest rather than entering the contest yourself, please contact me on SteemitChat at @alohaoy. Judges will be mentioned in the award post and will receive their very own unicorn named Bucky. Bucky is imaginary but he loves you, nonetheless.

If you would like to donate SBD to increase the prize pool then you're our hero. You will be mentioned as a donor in the award post and showered with hugs and rainbows for days to come.

All in all, the point is have fun, get to know some of your fellow community members, and maybe learn something new!!

Good luck! If anyone has any questions let me know!!

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