Every path starts with the first step! This is how we started our gardendream six years ago...

... and step by step make it into the BESTEST garden! This is my entry for the #gardendream contest @goldendawne :-)

After some weeks of chopping down the trees, a friend came over with his tractor and plowed through. Now we had something like a white canvas to draw our garden dreams onto... our chickens had their dreams overly come true in those days!

When we bought the house and property, there was already a small shed/garden house in place and we build a first chickenhouse right next to it. The rabbits found their home on the other side of the shed, there being protected from wind and weather.

After plowing we defined the place for the veggie garden on the right side in the back - all the rest had to be straightened and was to become lawn for now. We knew what we wanted to plant and set up there later on, but... step by step!

The veggie garden needed its own fence to keep the chicken and rabbits out of it. I had fallen in love with the old style picket fencing with chestnut wood, so hubby and his dad went to set it up!

In this very first year we mainly grew potatoes. Some beans, zucchini, tomatoes, cellery, radish and salat ...

... and a lot of wild flowers :-)

Our youngest daughter made her first steps on the freshly sowed grass and was sharing her cookies with Piccola, one of our best henns ever!

All of early summer was filled with baby animals and the energy of building our dream - step by step!

To be efficient, we ordered the rabbitbabies to mow the lawn...

A roof was put over the terrasse and we made sure it was a solid wooden construction - so the Babygirl could sit in her swing, while we singled young plants into pots...

With the years going by we filled the garden with fruittrees, berries, greenhouses, a new house for the chickens and many, many other things. The youngest daughter and the youngest son (born 2013) are now riding their bikes through the garden and there is the whole variety of veggies in the garden that grow in our climate!

And what does our garden give us? It is making our dreams come true day by day and step by step!

I hope you enjoyed this little walk through time and through our dreamgarden. Cheers from the Seven Mountains in Germany!

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