Ragtag Garden, Part 35

And we have radishes!

It looks like almost all the seeds in the tape have sprouted, plus a few stray ones that escaped when I tore the tape to length. A few of them are getting their second set of leaves already!

I also have someone else's interest as well. My guess is either squirrels or birds. Either way, they've missed the carrot seeds, so far. As a matter of fact, I think those have started sprouting, too. There are a few wispy leaves that I'll be keeping an eye on. (Lower right in the second shot.)

The tomatoes have been enjoying our recent heat wave. This is the first time all season two are ripening at once.

The pole beans have given three decent meal-sized batches to date. I've continued to remove the worst of the yellowing leaves. And, the plants continue to replace them with new dark, shiny ones! Blossoms are still appearing and young beans are still maturing, so I have hopes for a fourth batch.

I've been keeping a little secret, too. When I went to remove the spent pea plants from the containers, I noticed one of plants wasn't quite done yet, so I let it go a bit longer.

This is why:

It survived my neglect, so it just didn't seem right to not let it finish it's job. We have at least another week of hot weather, so I'll be giving it a drink to help it through. That should be enough to let the pods fully mature. What a fun surprise!


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden

Here's A Scorecard For Newcomers ?

The expansion of these two projects has now become The Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

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