Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4

Work has been keeping me very busy recently, so any Revved Up Ragtag projects have to be easy and quick.

I opted for taking a bite out of the mess I refer to as the Jungle. As you can see, there is 'stuff' under all those vines. The goal was to scope out what, if anything, was salvageable in the mix. That small bare spot with the log sticking out in the front was my starting point.

I found a mangled tomato cage,

a couple of old tires,

and some plastic trim remnants from a long-ago home-improvement project.

That 'log' in the front turned out to be two substantial poles, which I think are rafter poles, from the metal shed that used to occupy that corner. They may be usable, so I tucked them out of the way along the back fence.

With all the non-organic materials removed and the old rafter poles set aside, I opened up the largest of the cardboard boxes I'd scrounged - this one's from the furniture store. I placed it as far back into the Jungle as I could. I anchored one end with a tire, then maneuvered the rest so that the whole front corner was covered. There were two stumps from previous attempts at sapling control, that I used as anchors on the other edge. (I have plans for removing the stumps at a later time. For now, this will work.)

The remaining tire was used to provide additional weight to make sure the whole thing stays put. I'd also folded up the front edge of the cardboard to conform with the contour of the area. It should make it easier to mow around, also.

Pretty good for just over an hour's worth of work!

Key Features in The Revved Up Ragtag Project.

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

Latest episodes of the Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3

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