Got Some Things Planted. There Are Starting To Come Through The Soil.

I have got my potatoes and garlic and onions planted. I am not sure about the onions as I am seeing nothing with them as of yet. I have got the water in the small house, it is not done but the tub and bathroom sink are done. So now I need to get the garden done and all planted, so tomorrow is garden time. I will be cutting barrels in half and getting them cleaned out, hopefully getting some dirt in them and plants also.


This is one of the White Superior breaking the ground. I have waited for this and it is happening finally. I have had a lot of bad luck with potatoes for some reason. Hopefully, this year will be a good year for me with them.


This is my Yukon Golds coming up to get some air and sunlight. I have not seen any of the Gold Rush (I think that is the third type of potato I have planted.) breaking the surface for air and sunlight yet. I am hopeful that it will happen soon.
There are several others that are starting to come up but just are not there yet.


This is my garlic, it looks to be doing good. I had a talk with a friend and fellow veteran, Mark Bracy, Bumblebee Junction on YouTube, stop by and check out this channel and tell him Mike from Basics To Living sent you over there, he told me how to get them planted and told me that it was really easy to plant so just do it, I did and I am glad I did.

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