Look how to get potato seed in a homemade way

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In this opportunity I will show you how to obtain your seed of potato to be able to sow in your garden or orchard, for it you will only need:

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  • Potato
  • Knife
  • Container
  • Agricultural cal

The first step is to select the potato that has good characteristics, these can be known by having a good size, good color and nice appearance.

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This is cut with the knife in the shape of a cross (SEE THE IMAGE)

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After having cut the potato, we proceed to pour the agricultural lime into the container

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We cover the part of the potato in order to avoid it is contaminated or a plague can feed on it and damage the seed

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This is how the seed should be...


Another way to plant the potato, is to bury the potato directly. It will grow and give us more potatoes.

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