Gardening Forum: Baffled with What Seem to Be A Result of Some "Forbidden Bug Coitus"

Have you been posting on a daily basis? Then that creative part of your brain must be like that of a newly sharpened knife it could just write and produce an article in a few minutes. Mine's a bit ... rested and I don't mean relaxed .. rather ~~ rested - not used so often as before. It's almost 11 pm when I was writing this and before that I've been staring at my folders of pictures trying to figure out why on earth did I take all of them pics in it and what's the initial idea that popped in my head when I took them.

.... my head was empty for hours.. seriously?

It's frustrating because I was in the mood and would very much want to log in and post. I guess I've been absent for so often I lost my writing spontaneity (yeah~~ there's such a thing.) I used to just go out and everything I see around me is "Steemitable - back when I was obsessing with Steemiting which plenty of newbies could probably relate but tonight .. just when I want to post and interact - my head's empty ...
... till I bumped into the folder where this lil' guy was in.

I remember what my reason for posting was ~~ is and would want to be and for minutes.. I found myself making my fingers do the tap dance on my computer table while my brain cells went on thinking - about whether I should publish this or not. I thought ..

What value could I give posting about this one when I don't even know what this is?

I remember taking a pic and videos of this bug because I don't know what it is, to get to start a forum and for the purpose of showing the world - and my friends from my the PH that there's such a bug in this country. I guess you can count that as value ey? We are so busy doing our daily routine at work or elsewhere we often forget to turn our heads to the simple things around us and take notice.

I must have seen too much greens in my backyard that caused me having a green mind coming up with this poem but you see .. it's the first time I saw it - it freaks me out every time it tries to move(a normal reaction of "fear of the unknown"). I put it on the tile and it seemed to have a hard time crawling. It has wings but it can't fly.

Having seen that his two hindlegs are longer than the other four, I thought it must be a water creature so I took an unused pot holder and filled it with some water and watch what he'll do.

Disclaimer: No unidentified bug has been harmed or hurt in making this post.

When he flipped on his tummy, I got a good look at his body and it also resembles that of a roach's . ** double eeekkkkkkk!!! I let him off the water, too ... thinking - the black birds would soon be hunting for food and I was worried he'd be a meal and he vanished between the poppies between the apple trees and I went back in the house still creeped out with the bug. At that time, I remember @gardenlady she's the gardening expert here who has answered most of the gardening forum questions I threw back then. I miss her comments on my posts. "Is she still active?" I wonder ..

Done, writing all of the above, I thought .. what value have I given then? Did I just blab? Talked about the obvious - which I dislike for I am aware that there are so many smarty pants who could craft a writing piece here. I parked my keypad and a few minutes later I realized ...

Value :

  • announcement to the world this bug exists (specially to those who don't go out and are glued in front of their computer, -
  • possible interaction (there should be more of that here - how do we get to help newbies get noticed if not?),
  • possible bug identification.

Can you think of something else? Please do tell me in the comment below.

Do you happen to know what this bug is called? Please tell me in the comment. If you just looked it up on the net please mention the valid source.
Do you have it where you came from?
Is it a water bug or a land bug?
Can it cause damage to humans or to plants? If it can - how bad could the damage be?

Have you ever have such moment where in you're crafting your post and you ask yourself - what on earth could someone benefit with what am sending out there?
Have you bumped into any post that's missing value?
Do you still read those posts?
Do you always make sure to give value when you post? In what way do you think your posts are giving value to other Steemians?

I took each pic and the video with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 .

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Hopefully you do get to read it now since there's nothing else that comes after it except that picture below.


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