What Kind of Ripples Do You Want to Make?

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Everywhere I go, I imagine streets lined in gardens and fruit trees ripe for the picking. I dream of rooftop farms, gardens dangling off balconies and public fruit tree parks in each neighborhood.

When we’re out in the garden, all of our differences fall by the wayside and we are reminded that we’re much more alike than different. From there we can start other conversations about how we can work together to make a world that works for all of us.

We are planting the seeds of a new normal. We don’t have to wait for someone else to plant these ideas. These are things we can start today. We may not realize it but every day we are making ripples that affect those around us, so it’s time we all ask ourselves, “What kind of ripples do I want to make?”


With the power of social media, we have the ability to be our own broadcasters of news as well as receivers. I'm already starting to connect with many like minds and hearts on Steemit. It's so exciting to unite with others who share a vision of peace and abundance for the world. What do you want to become part of the new normal?

Make it a Great Day!

Onward and upward,



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