Wildcrafted Medicine: The Incredible Healing Properties of the Common "Weed" DANDELION

Health is wealth, and we're sitting on a gold mine!

The Garden of Eden is covered in powerful healing herbs, and we want to share the abundance with the Steemit community! We believe that every aspect of life is way better when you're healthy, so we encourage you to rethink your “weeds”.

Nature wildcrafts primo medicines. What are often treated as scourges to the garden an lawn are actually respectable plants with powerful healing properties!

We present the humble dandelion for your consideration.

With some 250+ varieties, dandelions are common and easily recognized. The serrated green leaves are basal, "meaning they don't grow up on stems, but emerge from the crown of the plant at ground level". [1] The flowers extend on a hollow stalk that oozes when pierced or cut.


Dandelions are in the family Asteracea. Each petal on the sweet yellow flower head is actually a tiny, specialized flower unto itself called a floret! 

After a few days in bloom, the flower heads close up, and each floret transforms to seed. The seed-head stage of the dandelion's life has delighted children for ages, because with a  breath of wind the feathery parachute-tipped seeds take flight.


Dandelions are dishonored by many gardeners, treated as common weeds and even sprayed with toxic chemicals for attempted eradication. This perception is an absolute travesty, because dandelion is a powerful all-around remedy.

Dandelion Healing Powers:

  • diuretic
  • anticancer    
  • supports digestive system
  • stimulates channels of elimination
  • promotes detoxification
  • antioxidants
  • great source of vitamins and minerals
  • protects cardiovascular system
  • calms irritation
  • encourages liver health
  • purifies the blood

Dandelion can be consumed raw, taken as tea, or even turned into wine!

We have a great formula for Dandelion Pesto:

Blend a couple handfuls of dandelion greens, a good bunch of basil, a small handful of sunflower seeds, 0.5-1 cup of olive oil, up to a head of garlic, a small handful of parmesan cheese in a Vitamix or food processor and enjoy! Exact amounts aren't that important; experiment to find the relative volume of each ingredient you prefer.



1. http://www.naturenorth.com/summer/dandelion/Dandelion2.html

2. http://www.uwindsor.ca/dandelionrootproject/

3. http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/what-are-benefits-of-organic-dandelion-leaf/

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