A Microgreen Update

I Ate Them.


Wouldn't that be the most annoying blog post ever? Ha!

So, My beet and basil microgreens were supposed to be eating size in about 15 days. Due to the sun's path still being on the southern side of my house and my kitchen window, where I placed my greens, is situated on the north; let's just say that I let my green friends have a good, solid twenty-one days of growing time before I mowed them down.

It's been raining a lot, and there are no complaints from me, for now I am down to about a foot of snow in my yard. Plus, I can actually go out and stand on the earth under the fir trees outside my dining room window! Back to the incredibly grey and gloomy weather, well, it made me feel like eating tomato soup.

I whisked together some tomato sauce, chicken broth, erythritol+stevia, salt, pepper and nutritional yeast. As soon as that concoction was good and warm I added a few tablespoons of cream cheese and proceeded to whisk that into the fray. I then selected some kitchen shears out of my crock of kitchen gadgetry and gave the basil a pretty serious buzz cut.


I have to admit the little basil babies made a pretty little garnish on my quick lunch soup, and I felt a little bit like a chef. Ah, who am I kidding, I felt like a self-satisfied small farmer who was getting a little extra nutrition in her diet and a subtle hint of basil to my palate whenever I ate a spoonful.

The microgreen experiment was definitely enlightening, for a few reasons:

  • The seeds took next to no time to prep or care for.
  • As they were on the ledge above my kitchen sink, I actually,
    faithfully remembered to water them.

  • The turn around time from start to finish was pretty quick.

  • They taste pretty yummy, and if you are into food aesthetics, hello
    pretty noshing!


Next round, I think I am going to start some sunflower and radish microgreens, for I am thinking they will add some texture and spice to the early spring salads that I am going to start partaking in.

An escapist note of probably un-necessary explanation: I will be departing on my annual weekend of sloth and non-stop eating indulgence with a few of my friends. That said, I probably won't post until Monday, but don't worry my lovely followers, I will come back to you!!!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken by the author on her basil scented iPhone.

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