Gardening: Seeds for Sprouting, Seeds for the Garden, Seeds for Eating, Seeds for Life

I just picked up a heavy package at the post office from Mumm's Sprouting Seeds - they are located in Saskatchewan, Canada. Most of these seeds I will be planting out in the fields and gardens for the purpose of growing and collecting more seeds. Some of the collected seeds my family will eat, some the chickens will eat, some will be stored, the remaining will be used for replanting.


There are many ways to eat seeds. They can be ground to flour for cooking or seasoning. They can be steamed, boiled, simmered, roasted, fried, and more, many can be eaten raw. Seeds can also be sprouted for 2-5 days and consumed as highly nutritious sprouts. If the seeds are grown for 2-3 weeks, they can be harvested as a salad of micro-greens. Sunflower and Pea shoots are a popular micro-green, I made sure to order large bags of Black Oil Sunflower seeds and Oregon Giant Peas.


Hard Red Spring Wheat and Quinoa were the grain seeds received in this order. Wheat has been a staple in the diet of many civilizations throughout history, the chickens will enjoy it too. Garlic Chives I want to plant around the fruit trees in the orchard to help ward off pests, they will also be a nice flavoring to add full grown, or as sprouts. Black Chia seeds are highly nutritious, packed with vitamins, minerals, protein, omega-3, fiber, and carbohydrates, they can be eaten raw by the handful for powerful snack. They're not just for Chia Pets! :) I didn't realize how big the Oriental Wasabi Mustard seed bag would be, it just happened to be the sweet price point. These will be lovely for spicy dishes, sprouts, and baby greens.


I also ordered a Garden In A Jar seed sprouting kit. A sprout jar is easy enough to make with a mason jar and some screen, I was more interested in the sample sprout seeds. I will be doing my own sprout seed mixing, but I wanted to give Mumm's Sandwich Booster and Crunch Bean Mix a try.

I will be sure to post sprout updates, have a great day!

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