What Makes Steemit Great? Folks Like @papa-pepper Make It Great!

I want to take a moment and recognize a shining star in the steemit community! Who is this shining star you ask? The one and only @papa-pepper !

I have been steeming for about two weeks now, one of the first people I met was papa-pepper, he had posted one of his edible outdoors post and I looked into it and found it quite interesting. I saw him post quite a few more posts over the next several days, he was a mad man, he seemed to publish something every hour or so. I was struggling with getting one post out. I saw him post about something or other in his garden and that he used cattle panels to trellis vines with. I thought to myself, now here is a smart guy, I do the same thing with cattle panels.

He even made a post about a seed giveaway he was doing, that was it, I was hooked, I had to check out every post this guy made! It was amazing the number of posts he could put out, and not spammy, clickbait type stuff, i'm talking good quality posts!

His post ranged the gamut from gardening, to snakes and photograpy. Hell, he is even a rapper LOL. He posted a picture of a passion flower and I commented on it, he even offered me some seeds to try to start my own passion vines, how could I pass up that offer, I'm a gardner myself, free seeds are the joy of life to us!

Well today I got a package in the mail, an envelope of seeds and he even included some seedlings.

You'll notice the shipping cost on the package $2.45 usd, $2.45 to send seeds to someone you've only met on steemit, papa-pepper, you have restored a little bit of my faith in humanity!

So @papa-pepper Many Thanks man, you are an example for other steemers, you are part of what makes steemit community great!

PS, if your reading this papa, I sent some SD's to cover shipping!

If your not following @papa-peppers blog, you are missing out!

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