Buy Me a Land it Will Worth Your Money!

All 4 in 1.jpg
(Compiled of Basil, Roselle, Avocado and Mulberries.)

I haven't really properly posted a main topic all this while, so today I would just like to share something about my home garden that I love to take care and a smile everyday looking at them grow. It's nothing fancy, just something that I love to do beside drawing and baking.

I have always love gardening, especially the edible kind, looking at them grown into food makes my eyes blink, my heart fills with flower thus my imagination goes wild. Imagine having a land of my own (now all my plants are in pots which limited the volume of growth that I wanted) to plant all these so I can self-provide and share with friends and family, what’s better than planting own healthy food right!

Seriously, if someone would sponsor me to buy my own land to grow my own food, that would be the greatest gift of my life! Plus, the sponsor will receive endless supply from me! Hahaha...

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(A bit of mess here due to not enough space. These are just 1/3 of what I have in front.)

(I have books in Chinese and English cos I like to keep books with pictures.)

Once something starts growing I will always do readings on books or do research by watching a lot of YouTube video, so I know what I’m doing is correct or not, then do adjustment and experiment different methods learnt from others farmer. One thing always frustrated me is ‘replanting’ to larger pot which many times killed my little plants, something to work on my skills with.

I will do my own fertiliszer using the discarded veggies, egg shells, coffee powder. Once a while I will buy some Chicken manure fertiliser to let the soil added some nitrogen and it also contains a good amount of potassium and phosphorus. Okay, let's start with some other photos of what I have.

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Butterfly Pea that I make into drinks sometimes with added honey.

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Ginger which I love cos it's so easy to plant.

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Pumpkin already flowered.

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Roselle I used to make drinks, jams or make cake with. Soooo many usage I tell you.

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Tomatoes that's growing quite a lot lately.

And the Oregano (I think it's oregano but not really sure) and Sweet Potato of my, tiny not like in the market though... Lol

So it would really put a big smile on my face if someone give me a piece of land to do more than this, I would gladly do it. Thank you and see you on the next chapter.

This post is also an entry to @elizacheng's MakeMeSmile Week 3 Contest, visit the post for more details.

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