Flowers for my friends, my favourites from my garden.

I never thought I could become so besotted with a few flowers, especially ones that I had grown but over the last month my garden has become so important to me, it makes me feel alive, it has given me something to aim for and now I know I can do it I will aim for bigger and better next year.

The first thing I do when I get downstairs I go and sit in my garden to see if theres anything new. Sitting there listening to the birds singing I can close my eyes and forget where I am, Its so peaceful. I try and ignore what is really around me. I am going to do some meditation in my garden later as sitting there is very settling and calming.

Here are my favourite flowers today.

There all really pretty and the fragrances from them make the air smell sweet, its more a pleasure to go out there, I am now getting fresh air and Vitamin D which hopefully should help. I need a couple more chairs then we can l get out there and enjoy it.

Its all thanks to Steemit for providing the funds and my friends on here who have given me the motivation to go ahead. THANK YOU I Am really proud of what I have achieved

Thank you son-of-satire

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