In the end of October last year, in the middle of fall, I put some garlic in the soil and a week ago, after 8 months in the soil, I put of big garlic cloves.
Here is how I plant it and how look like during growing time.
In the end of October I buy some garlic, you can use the same that you use in your kitchen, but must be fresh, not dry.
Clove I put apart and I take one peace and put in the soil with roots down. I put in the line that I know where I put it.
In the end of January its look like this (sorry for pad picture).
There was snow for a few months in February and March. But garlic still grow up and here is some pictures from April take a week apart.
Beginning of April
Middle of April
End of April. And here I weed it.
And here is end of May
In June I start looking when I can take off of the soil, but I must wait all month.
And in July I see that all leaves fall down afer storm, so I must take it of the soil.
After clean the soil off, I put it in the dark, dry place where I wait it to drying, but if you need it you can use it. You must dry green leaves, but garlic stay fresh and you can use it in the fall for new generation of garlic.
But there are more work with garlic if they have disease. So you must put some good neighbours next to the garlic.
Good neighbours are: potato, carrots, salad/lettuce, tomato and beet.
Bad neighbours are: beans, peas and leek.
Sometimes are there some bloom in garlic. Is named "scape" and you must snip them off. But you can use it for garlic pesto or pickle it.