Steemit HomesteadingChallenge #5...What has been our biggest obstacle...

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you can solve anything with enough mulch


What have been our biggest challenges? @kiaraantonoviche has asked for the newest homesteading challenge

If anything has got in our way over the last two and a bit years, I reckon it has been our own enthusiasm. We've bought a few plants that struggled a bit (and one or two that have died) and started a couple of engineering projects that were scrapped part way through because of the 'it sounded like a good idea at the time' syndrome.

We have only a small space and, while that was a choice, not an obstacle, we sometimes forget simple things like 'trees need space' and 'Lab Lab beans will bury anything and everything'. But it has all settled down now, we know what grows, what to expect from most plants we choose. The biggest lesson from the start was that sprawling is just height turned on its side, In otherwords , if it grows horizontally, it can grow vertically with the right training.

In a way, we were fortunate enough to have lived in our house as a rental for 10 years, so knew the climate, soil and general conditions. When we signed on the dotted line, the first thing was to cover the front in a thick layer of cardboard and lots and lots of mulch. That solved 80% of any initial hurdles.

I know a lot of you have, or are, facing enormous hurdles in your homesteading practice and wish you much better luck in this competition than we will have. Our hurdles have been only shin high.


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