Farm Update: Hugo Verde the Duck and Friends are Now Cage Free!

Oh Hugo Verde, my loveable muscovy male drake duck that we've had for months now at this point. He's a little dirty from the bad weather and muddy hill recently. Over the last few days, John got this pen set up and trimmed their wings, in a so far successful attempt to cage free our ducks. They seem to stick to one spot for the most part, but they're safe and happy so far.

He got his name with a little help from @gringalicious with the Hugo part and I added Verde cause it fit him and because there's a green tint to his black feathers you can't see. Something I love about the birds is that the black feathers often shine green, blue or purple. Our rooster who is black and white has purple and green black feathers. It's a pretty cool effect that's hard to capture.

He trimmed their wings and tail feathers to keep them on the ground and spent a little time chasing them playfully to see how far they could go, which isn't far. So long as predators stay out they will be fine.

As far as we know, all the other ducks in here with him are female. They're all raised from duckling except for a few and they all look much different that I could have expected. Many of these were white ducks with gray splotches when we got them. Ducks like hugo start black and white spotted.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Acapulco At Night: The Mist Approaches
Acapulco Bay: Cargo Ship Enters
Acapulco Sunsets: Acapulco's Fall Colors

Click here for more funny pictures of Hugo, from a few months ago

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