Garden Adventures: Cracked Boulders and Volunteer Tomatoes

Many of the structures in this city are built out of large broken boulders like the one shown here, partially broken but not completely. They use machinery to break them apart then they build all sorts of things with the remaining pieces. This is both a good way to deal with giant boulders often in the middle of construction sites here and a good, sturdy building material. It's also really pretty because of high quartz content.

I noticed this tomato plant a few weeks ago before it even had any fruit literally growing out of a pile of trash. We aren't going to eat these because of that, but it's fascinating because we did NOT plant this.

These flowers are super common both in my garden and in Acapulco. We personally have 4 different colors and there are even more out there than that.

Little walks like this remind me that I do live in a botanical garden of sorts, just much less put together.

I love the boulders that cover these lands and I'm not the only one. Thanks for looking!

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Lily's New Toy: VIP Dabber's Dream Briefcase
Lily's Little Chicken: New House and Needs a Name
Garden Adventures: Lily's Lime Tree and Garden Sunset

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