Lily's Bonsai Rose Bush: Playing with Plants

I've always wanted a bonsai tree....but this rose is serving me quite nicely as a subsitute. I've been bending it's branches and pruning it for a few months now and I'm getting interesting results in the branch formation, as well as a lot of new growth. Roses are like tomatoes which are honestly like weed plants, they like being abused a little.

My rose plant goes in cycles and it's in a growth cycle, meaning it's focusing on new foliage and not flowers. That's why it doesn't look like much but a weird thorny bush to the untrained eye.

It's like a chess game but with a plant. You bend a branch and a few days later go back and see if it stayed or not. Sometimes there's a new stalk ready to be bent down, sometimes you need to prune some leaves to allow more light to get in. Every day I make a move and so does the rose bush.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Tiny Jungle Butterfly Photo Shoot
Living in the Clouds: Acapulco Bay Full of Ships
Classic Blueberry Muffin Recipe and Food Photo Shoot


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