Magic of Sprouting | Ini's Workshop Video


Sprouting has been an integral part of my health and wellness practice for over a decade and I’d love to share my passion and enthusiasm with you all.

Sprouts and microgreens are an easy to grow source of high quality nutrition that EVERYONE can benefit from! Ever wondered about the history of sprouting, just why sprouts are so good for you or how to get started?

Check out this video for an engaging and enlivening discussion on all things sprouted!

This video is of a seminar on the topic of sprouting and microgreens I delivered last week at a local health food store.

I’m excited now to share it with you in hopes on inspiring more of you to sprout. I’m so eager to share sprouting with the world I even wrote a book on the subject that was published in 2016 through Microcosm Publishing. I am eager to share all the details and benefits of sprouting with whoever is interested.

In this talk I cover a wide range of topics including:

The Overview of Sprouting
Historical Context of Sprouted Foods
What Sprouting Is
The Benefits of Sprouting
Several Methods of Sprouting
How to Use Sprouts

My hope is that by sharing this more of you will dive deeper into the world of sprouting and share it with others, making the world a healthier place.

By sprouting we have access to the vital life force and potent nutrition of seeds by unlocking the power stored within. In a few minutes a day you can enjoy enzyme rich, vitamin packed and antioxidant filled sprouted food and appreciate the benefits for you health. Give the video a watch for a more in depth look at why sprouts are so amazing and how to get started today!

I would love to hear from ya’ll and am always looking for feedback on how to be a more effective educator.

Any and all feedback is welcomed. If anyone is interested in purchasing a book direct from me let me know (either in comments or through Discord) and we can mail you one ASAP. Steem and USD happily accepted.

What fires you up about sprouting?

If you're new to the subject, check out my in-depth post about the subject that I wrote last week.

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