Gardening for Food Security - Indoor Gardening - New Project Beginning Part 2

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As I sat pondering our food sources and how hard it is to find unadulterated foods I decided that I was going to take things into my own hands and expand my growing season here in Saskatchewan, where I garden in a zone 2 area- very short growing seasons - 2 months of summer and 6 months of winter!
I have expanded my garden areas outside but now I'm starting a new project to grow more food inside for the winters.
We had first built this sun room with the intentions of growing food all year long but the sun doesn't come over the tree tops in the winter and we would have to supplement with light to grow year long.
Well I got myself a grow light - 1000W LED Full Spectrum Grow Light
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I will be mostly growing in rectangular grow boxes to maximize the growing space.
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I make my own soil with the 12 year old well composted manure is actually a double manure. It comes up with clover which is a nitrogen fixing plant often used for green manuring. I'll also be only growing very productive plants under the lights to get the most for my growing efforts.

Stay tuned for future posts as I share my new project for gardening for food security.

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