Daily Harvest Episode 1: Garden Harvest of One of Our Favorite Wildcrafted Crops, "Garden Candy"!! Video & Lots of Info


I have been wanting to start a series for a long time on harvesting edibles from the garden and naturally occurring environments, as there really is SOOO much delicious and nutritious food to be had!

So in preparation for an epic catering event where we had to harvest lots and lots of food, I made this video specifically highlighting one of my favorite crops which we have wildcrafted into our naturally abundant eco system--"garden candy" aka mini yellow tomatoes. They are so sweet and delicious we call them garden candy.  My girls will make a whole meal out of them in the garden. 

Anyways this is a 9 minute video with quite a lot of info in there, so instead of trying to recap the entire thing I will just list a few bullet points of what is included in the video. 

  • Wildcrafting
  • Organic/non organic
  • Nutrition
  • Growing Climates
  • Harvesting
  • Values/Ideals
  • Connection with Earth/nature
  • Living from a sustainable mindset
  • Our big boy dog Atlas
  • Epic Hand Painted Steemit Hat!

If you like my suitably sourced/crafted hand painted Epic Steemit Gear, you can find some of the MANY pieces HERE that we have made in The Garden of Eden. 

Because we love and support Steemit so much, we are even helping build the REAL WORLD economy of $Steem by offering our goods and treasures for $Steem!

As always, I welcome your feedback and appreciate your support!


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