Aubergine-Eggplant-Black Beauty and Sweet Potatoe Gound Cover

Can Eggplant be sexy? I don't think so...haha! For the first time I grew eggplants that produced fruit! Back in Oregon, I had a hard time growing this plant. I don't know if it was the cool evenings in Eugene or the quality of my soil, or maybe both. But here in Tulsa Oklahoma, the nights are warm and humid, even without pesticides (awful beetles here), the plants thrived!

Here are some key points about eggplants.

More detail and supporting information is in the main article.
Eggplant comes in a range of colors
The anthocyanins in eggplant may protect heart health
Another chemical in eggplant - nasunin - may help improve blood flow to the brain
One cup of eggplant provides 10 percent of your daily fiber needs
A link to medicinal data and article regarding the Aubergine

Food from our backyard, it's like free food man! Our hens are still laying 4 eggs every other day with one hen laying an egg on the other hens off days. I have ten hens, 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Easter Eggers, and 3 Black Sex Links. Limited light in the fall triggers the hens reproductive system to switch off and prepare to build new feathers for next year, which is called molting. Some heritage breeds are better egg layers in the fall, all three breeds are known to lay eggs through the winter. However, production of eggs happens only once or twice a week compared to summer days when egg production goes up to five days a week.

If I set up a timer light in the coop after molting to up hours of light the hens would start producing five days a week. However, I want their bodies to rest and avoid stress, which can lead to debilitating even deadly diseases like the flu or Mereks.

Ground cover from sweet Potatoe vine produced by one sweet Potato. I didn't know the flowers were so pretty!

I didn't do much to grow sweet potato vines, I stuck the leafing tuber half in the ground with leafing vines exposed, watered twice a week.

Fall garden with peppers, sweet potatoes, basil, celery, marigolds, calendula, carrots, broccoli, kale, oregano, collards, and chard. I think the eggplants love oregano as a companion plant.

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