Gardening Tips: Chemical-Free Pesticide & Weed Killer


Now here's a post my readers thought they'd never see... The Night gods go gardening! Like a lot of other people I don't like to use chemicals in my yard or flower beds and over the years I've picked up a tip or two... So I thought I'd share them.

Chemical-Free Pesticide: Insects hate tobacco, in fact I use tobacco to worm my dog. However for my plants and flowers, here's the recipe.

1 Pouch of Chewing Tobacco (I use Red Man because it's strong)

1 Empty Gallon Milk Jug

1 Spray Bottle

Put tobacco in milk jug and fill with water and allow to stand overnight. This makes a concentrate... use it to fill a spray bottle about 1/3 full and fill the rest with water. Spray your plants and insects will leave them alone. (Will not harm plants in any way)

Weed Killer: When I first heard about this I thought it was crazy, but it's cheap to make so I figured I'd give it a shot... It works great! I was particularly happy to find something like this after reading about Round-up! Not only is it made by Monsanto (BOO BOO!!!) it also causes cancer!

1 Gallon White Vinegar

1 Cup Sea Salt (Don't ask me why Sea Salt... the recipe called for it so I used it, but I figure any salt will do)

2 Tbsp Dawn Dish Detergent


Mix ingredients together. (I put vinegar and salt first and shake until salt dissolves then add dish soap) Spray on weeds... it works just as good as any chemical weed killers!

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