How To Create A Tomato Plants Spring Sale At home

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I have been growing tomatoes from seeds ever since I was about 10 years old. I learned most what I know from my mother and a bit from books and videos on gardening .

Every year for the past 8 years our family prepares for this tradition of selling tomato seedlings in the spring time. It is a lot of work but we actually enjoy working together with plants.

This year we sold close to 400 plants in three days and I think we could of sold much more if the weather didn't turned bad.

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The first step of your sale is having a ton of fresh healthy tomato plants of course . You can grow all of them from seed your self or you can buy the seedlings from a grower.
Growing them from seed your self is not that difficult but you must know a bit of starting seeds indoors and have the right tools to start.

Buying your seedlings from a grower is probably the easiest for any one that want's to sell tomato plants as an extra income on the weekends.

I grow the seedlings myself , this way I have more control of the process and varieties to grow. People love the cherry types and that's what I sell the most. Another good type that I sell a lot is the beef steak kinds.

Below is the poster banner that we use for advertising our products , this was done last year:

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After the seedlings have their first set of leaves I transplant them into 16 oz beer cups ( about 3 to 4 plants per cup ) . Then later as the plants are hardened off and had grown to 8 inches tall they are ready to be transplanted back into the same 16 oz cups but this time one for each container.

The soil that I use is called " Pro Mix " and it comes in a 3.5 cuft bale, I usually use one and half bales for all my potting ups.

As you transplant make sure you also give the plants a good drink of " 10-52-10 plant starter fertilizer " at a rate of 5ml of powder fertilizer to 1 liter of water.

After all the plants have been transplanted and there is no sign of frost in the weather forecast , I set the tomato plants into boxes and leave them outside over night and all day as much as I can, always watching for danger of frost.

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From this point on all you have to do is post a sign on you house some where that your costumers will see and know where to go and buy your plants.
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There is nothing fancy here, your plants will do the selling for you , make sure you get yourself some extra money to make change , there is a lot of costumers that will give you big bills and just buy a few plants but that's ok.
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My plants display is on a latter sitting on two plastic containers plus I place plants on my deck for easy pickings.

Don't let your plants go dry, keep them always looking fresh and healthy.

This is the basic profit formula that I use to calculate the price of my plants:

Cost of materials ( divided ) by plants ( times ) 2 = Price per plant.

So if it cost you $100 dollars for cups, seeds, growing media etc., and you have 100 plants , that's 1 dollars , ( times ) 2 = $2 dollars per plant to sell.

My experience with selling is that I will sell for $3 to $4 dollars per plant.

If you are interested in growing and selling your tomato plants next year let me know if I can help you with the growing your own seedlings.

Thanks for reading.

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