Rerun: The Game of Steem

You have entered the game of STEEM: The rules are murky and the payout is Steem.


One must first suspend all judgments of yourself and other players.

The goal is to gather and retain as much Steem as possible.

Players can do anything that doesn't physically harm anyone.

Players may make multiple accounts or focus energy on one powerful account

The game Begins on SteemIt, but has several smaller communities with slightly different rules.

To Begin determine whether to buy, earn, rent, borrow or beg Steem.

The goal is to get as much steem as you can without drawing aggro from the community. A little bit of aggro is okay, but if you gather to much the community can flag you, it takes away health points and future rewards.

Proceed Cautiously.

There are tools along the way, to assist players with gathering the Steem. All tools require a balance of Risk and Rewards.

Players advance through stages of the game by creating and joining peer groups, creating content, buying and selling votes, building projects, running the game itself and other ways limited only by programming skills, imagination and of course demand.

All methods can be tricky and result in aggroing the community and loss of Rewards, Support and Future Rewards.

Don't hurt anyone and gather as much Steem as you can.

If all the players act irresponsibly the price of Steem will drop and act as a penalty to all players.

Suit up and I will see you on the field.


Hint: If you are reading this you are already playing.


*this is not meant to be any more offensive than the game "LIFE". Just a reflection

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