(Challenger Splinterlans) This week's hero is!?..

This post is also written in Italian language -->@blumela/challenge-splinterlands-l-eroe-di-questa-settimana-e

Hello Splinterland's guys :-) New week and new fantastic adventure with a new challenge by @splinterlands:

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This week’s challenge hero is:
..”the trumpets ring and the drums roll”..

----->"DIVINE SORCERESS"<-----


“Divine Sorceress" belongs to Life element but it can be used by "Dragons" team.


The sorceress uses “magic attack”, so she can be deployed in every row.
I don’t use this card so often and I don’t find many qualities in my opinion.
Anyway let’s analyze this card basing always on my experience (new gamer).

First of all you should now that the sorceress can be score maximum 6th level, by increasing much more hers attack points and life points.

As written on the schedule above, sorceress needs three cards to get the level 2, six cards for the level three, eleven cards for the fourth, twenty-three for the fifth and forty-six (so many cards) for the sixth.
I actually have this card at level one right now, so everything I’ll show you is based on this level.

She best quality is for sure the “Divine Shield” ability that can make sorceress immune to the first attack received. (useful skill)
Image1 2.png
Considering that I’m still using this card at level one I don’t find others important qualities
Expect the possibility to hit enemies even if they have the shield.


1.Life 1. Very low!!!
Thanks to hers ability she might pass the first round but she definitely can not pass the second round if she is helpless.

sdfsd .JPG

2.Attack 1. Low, unfortunately very low.

3.Speed 2.
Nothing special, whit the same of mana and levels there are cards stronger than this, such as "Thunderbird".
It has 3 points of speed and 4 of life but it can attack just from the second or less rows.
Or also "Feral Spirit" that has 1 of attack but 4 of speed and 2 of life.


4.The mana costs 3.

It seems low but if we consider the characteristics about this card, 3 is probably too high.
I prefer spend it for another card.
I remember you guys that my card is level 1 and I’m not certainly an expert with “sorceress” so if you have any advice for me they’ll be always accepted. :)

--> It's time for a game with the DIVINE SORCERESS. :) <--

Match conditions: Standard: No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics, Mana 29.




In this match I chose to use more mana so I decided to put in front the card "ShieldBearer" because it has a very quantitative of life and shield.
It also has the "Taunt" ability that makes all the other monsters attack direction headed to itself.
Behind the first row I put "Luminous Eagle" that can attack from the second row with the "Reach" ability.
I deployed our “sorceress” as a fourth cause she results more protected like this and I added behind her the card "Truthspeaker" with the "Protect" ability that can supply 2 armor points more to all my cards in play.


After the malediction of enemy’s Summoner the situation for me is having my damaged skills tanks depowered.
I decided to deploy “Evangelist” anyway because it has 3 points as a “remote attack” and it gets 2 armor points more thanks to "Truthspeaker", plus the “Divine Shield" coming from the sorceress.


After the first round, as I had expected, all the enemies team attacked "ShieldBearer" breaking the shield.
Unfortunately the “sorceress” couldn’t do anything about it because she attacked "Bone Golem" that has the "Void" ablity (it takes-up the impacts without being damaged).


At the end of the second round "Bone Golem" will be destroyed by the first three cards in my possession..now things get easier.
"ShieldBearer" keeps being damaged from the enemies but thanks to his big quantity of life it can resist the attacks.
In the meantime my other cards keep pushing on the enemy!


At the round 4 “ShieldBearer" has beaten but "Luminous Eagle", as the other cards, are still with perfect life and shield.
Now also the “sorceress” can attack using hers point.
The game is decided.


At the sixth round the enemies cards are running pretty low, mines are full of power instead, except "ShieldBearer".

-->The game is won!<--


If you want to see the replay of this match you can find it here!

This game becomes more and more fascinating and funny alternating with angry moments (like when I loose) :)
Even with the less time available, every day I try to carve out some time for gaming.
A very masterpiece of game.
If you feel glad to try it, there is my refferals link behind.
You might use this link or not, but either way it's still a game to try!


I still maintain that it’s not just a great, exiting game but also an investment for the future.
Just keep going guys!!

See you on the battlefield

All the images previously used are screenshot caught from the game.

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