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Just upgraded 2TH Genesis Mining Contract(First time)


So, I have been testing Genesis Mining for about 3 almost 4 months. I got in on the 2yr DASH x11 Contracts and that was about it. It was spitting me about 2.05-2.40$ Daily. And tbh honest I made all that money back plus huge 300% gain with trading Crypto. So, my risk is gone and this account is free rolling. Not to mention I didn't invest out of pocket. This was all done through profits made from my online business.


So, this upgrade took about 6.80 LTC so I saved about 10$ off instead of paying 300$ got it for like 289.98$. Not bad. This is going to be fun to grow this tiny account. The goal is to slowly upgrade as much as I can everytime I hit over 30$. Will update results. OH

If you use my code nOSf9b

Just leave a comment here with how much you Hash Power was your upgrade and the amount spent. And the next time I upgrade I will use your code! :)

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