Get To Know Me Challenge - with a radio show thrown in for good measure

Last week my good friend GINAbot tagged me in a post from @surfermarly.

Heck I thought, that's cool. Why is Marly tagging me?

I hopped over and found it was a challenge. In fact The Get To Know Me challenge from @anomadsoul.

Challenges are good, but radio shows are even better. So why not roll this all into one...

I know Marly and I know the other two people that Marly had tagged to take up the challenge @creatr and @cryptocurator.

Three DMs later - and the deed was done. Marly loved the idea and my two co-challengees were up for it.

This Thursday, 8pm - 11pm UTC, on MSP Waves, Pennsif's Random Radio will be the four of us all interviewing each other. It should be fun...

So that's the radio show, now here's my challenge response. Ten posts that tell the story of me and my journey on steem.

Sifting through old posts can be a time consuming process on steem but a little appie thing from @eonwarped came to the rescue...

Then it hit me - I've done 592 posts since I started on steem last June. How do I select just 10 posts???

Breathe in, compose yourself and start with the headings. It worked in exams so maybe it would work here...

These are the 10 big bits of me on steem :

  • Homesteaders & Preppers
  • Promo-Steem
  • MSP Waves
  • A Dollar A Day
  • SteemCommerce
  • SteemRadio
  • The Alternative Lifestyle Show
  • SteemWales
  • My Life In 8 Songs
  • Fundition

So I will start from there.

1. The List of Homesteaders & Preppers

This is why I came to steem and this is where I started on steem. In fact I was more prepper than homesteader - but homesteading was the bigger player.

Although my intro post was quite nifty I am not going to include that in my challenge 10, instead I am going to use my fourth post. That was, by chance more than design, the one that got me going on steem.

Let the networking commence... I learnt very early on that steem is really all about making the connections. This post did the trick.

That first list had 24 homesteaders and preppers - sadly only 3 or 4 are still active.

2. Pennsif's Progress

Before I joined steem I hadn't been much of a social media user. I had just been active on a UK prepping forum. There I did a daily blog chronicling my prepping journey. I had given myself 1000 days to gets my preps on. I revived my countdown on steem...

Pennsif's Progress has progressed and regressed at various times on my steem journey. More recently I have revived it via Steempress - but the brief has considerably widened these days. And I've turned off the countdown clock. I'm more optimistic now...

3. My Greatest Regret

Even though I have for many a year harboured aspirations to be a writer, on steem I rather got bogged down just making posts about chickens and cabbages and other homesteady and preppy things.

But after a couple of months I let go and wrote this. I can't remember why. Just read it. For the backstory.

4. My Ma1ne Event

Through the original homesteaders and preppers Slack group that @greenacrehome set up I met @crazybgadventure. He is a fellow Brit, but living in Bulgaria. And he was looking for guests for his show on the newly created MSP Waves Radio.

I said yes. But then he said no, sorry, I am no longer doing the show.

Still I tuned in to MSP Waves and came across @ma1neevent who was also seeking people to come on his show.

I said yes, and Ma1ne said yes. One interview and I was hooked. My MSP odyssey had begun.

5. A Dollar A Day

It started with a dog called Bailey...

Then I heard about @Malos10 feeding homeless people in Venezuela, and @surfermarly organising watersports activities for children in need in the Canaries, and @azizbd running a school for underprivileged children in Bangladesh.

Giving one Steem Backed Dollar (SBD) a day to good causes like these seemed achievable. A Dollar A Day was born.

First it was just my way of giving, but then others like @GMuxx and @mother2chicks joined in.

A Dollar A Day initally ran for about 7 weeks at the end of 2017. I picked it up again in May (see #10).

6. Looking for Whales in Wales

As I became more comfortable with the steem platform I began to look outward.

I came across Promo-UK and Promo-Steem run by @starkerz, @anarcotech and @stephenkendal and began to look at how I could promote steem. A meetup for steemians in Wales seemed a good place to start.

It worked. Numbers in Wales grew, healthily. And the first meetup took place on 10 February.

7. SteemRadio, Radio, Radio...

I hadn't yet started my radio show. Co-hosting in short trousers with @globocop was to come first. But in the meantime while I was loitering in the corridors I came up with the idea of making a weekly listing post of the growing number of radio shows and podcasts popping up all over the steem ecosystem...

8. One very special New Year's Eve

Steem was jamming.

I got lucky times two with a teeny weeny bitcoin investment. Sold it. Bought a dolphin.

As the year end approached I had had three targets in my sights - 5000 SP, 1000 followers, 60 rep.

The first one was done and dusted, the second target was not too difficult, the last one was a tricky one.

On one amazing New Year's Eve, like no other could ever be, I reached the Rep.

Read the story to find out how...

I will just say thank you again to all the people that showed me the power of the steem community on that magical night - including but not only @beanz, @shadowspub, @uniwhisp, @sgt-dan, @ats-david, @hopehuggs.

9. The Alternative Lifestyle Show begins

After a spell of co-hosting and mentoring from @globocop on his Saturday show, I was ready to make radio waves on my own.

The Alternative Lifestyle Show launched with steem riding high on Friday 26 January.

My guests on the first show were @RedRica, @GeordiePrepper, @Halcyondaze and @TheBugIQ. And here's the recording...

This really was the start of something big on steem for me.

I had never hosted a radio show before I came on steem. Now, along with My Life In 8 Songs, I have done over 70 shows and interviewed well over 300 steemians.

It is one heck of a good way to get to know people on steem.

10. And back to A Dollar A Day

While the radio shows have become a super important part of my life on steem, what makes it all so special is A Dollar A Day.

Each day I collect in SBDs from a whole bunch of supporters around steem, and each day I send out a donation to people around the world who I know can put it to good use.

The transactions are free, instaneous and go directly to the people who use them.

So far A Dollar A Day has raised over US$ 3250. I am now targetting $5000 by the end of the year.

What makes it so, so, so special is that I get to talk with the people that use the money. Regularly, often every day.

I hear directly what the problems are, and I hear directly how they are using the donations to make things better.

I know of no other fundraising initiative like this.

It could only happen on steem. Steem is making a difference. Steem is making the world a better place.

Thank you for listening.


[ images by @pennsif // A Dollar A Day logo by @hungryhustle ]

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