Our Kitty Fell Off Our 5Th Floor Balcony…Please Send Get Well Wishes.

Our Little Girl Kitty Betty.

A few days ago our newest rescue kitty Betty fell from our 5th floor balcony to the sidewalk below, I don’t know what time it was when she fell, but I awoke with only one kitty around yelling for food. I looked everywhere in the apartment but didn’t find Betty, my heart started to sink as I finally realized she must have fallen from the balcony.

I went downstairs, and found her all huddled up by our corner, she is lucky to be alive as we are right on a busy road. There was blood and her leg was bent weirdly, I ran upstairs and called our vet. I say our vet as we have had two other of our family need her special services in the past.

I was told to come in, Betty was checked out, she had a broken rear leg which has just been fixed with an expensive pin and plate surgery.

Betty now has a pin and plate in her leg.

She has stopped eating on her own, and must stay for 7 days at the vet, and she is receiving force feeding to ensure enough nutrition. She is still in a very bad situation and if she doesn’t start to eat soon this will cause serious liver problems.

I am asking everyone who sees this post to please think happy thoughts for our Betty, and send happy healing vibes her way. If you believe in a god or higher power, I ask you to please ask for our special little girl Betty to make a full recovery soon. We haven’t had her for very long, but is already a huge part of the family.

We have had two other rescue kitties (brother & sister) in our lives, both from the street in Morocco, and bought to where we live now. We had them for a great many years, but both have sadly passed away.

We also have a kitty from Turkey again we felt the need to rescue a kitty no one wanted. He misses Betty very much and also wants to see her back home again soon.

The balcony is to be cat proofed, no more birds teasing our kitties to jump. I swear that's what the birds do, especially the evil ones.

Any comments and get well wishes are greatly appreciated in this time of anxiety and worry for our family.

Please comment, upvote, and maybe reteem this post to show us you care.

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