Annihilation (movie) : good but WTF

I like a movie that makes you think but not necessarily a movie that makes you feel as though you need to research it after you just watched the film in order to understand what just went on.


This is a sci-fi film with a massive budget and I should probably appreciate that since I am a sci-fi nerd but mostly it just kind of made me mad because well - while watching it i didn't know what the hell was going on. Don't get me wrong this film is good and I love Natalie Portman ever since I saw her in Black Swan. I just would prefer if the director would at least leave some of the pieces of the puzzle before they ran away from the table.

Lena (Portman) is a cellular-biology professor who gives exceptionally simplistic lessons in her classes at John's Hopkins University that despite their remedial nature inspires all of her students to take massive amounts of notes on both paper and in laptops. She is considered to be an expert but she has a tragic flaw because her husband has been missing from an Army mission that resulted in him not coming home (this is not explained). Her husband turns back up at her house only to be whisked away by the military again after a very short reunion. At least this time she gets whisked away as well.


The government request that her and a group of other female soldiers go and investigate what it is that has messed up all the men that have been in this situation before... and she obliges.



2 hours later we have some actual answers to the questions we have been asking since the beginning such as "why am i watching this?"

Seriously, the movie moves very very slowly.

By the time we get to the actual interesting part of the movie we have already been watching for 1.5 hours and then the message of the movie is presented in an incredibly cryptic manor. I don't want to try to decipher it because i don't want to spoil the movie to any potential watchers.

I love Sci-Fi, please don't get me wrong. But I feel as though the makers of this film really struggled to make this thing 115 minutes long. The entire film could have been done in 40 minutes and that is evident once you are watching it. There is so much useless dialogue and "side-quests" that I feel could have just been eliminated from the story altogether.

This movie made very little money (it may end up losing money in the end) but I applaud their efforts in taking the chance on making it. The simplistic cellular university class that Portman is teaching at the very beginning is meant to really touch base with us in the end of the movie but I don't feel that it does. This film in my mind is entirely too long and boring.

Sorry Sci-Fi fans, but this one didn't do it for me. I don't think I am too stupid to understand the plot, i just feel as though there wasn't enough plot for this film to take 2 hours to get to a half an hour point.

6 / 10

getting at least a point based solely on great graphics and the fact that I am a science fiction nerd.

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