As children, we're taught the Golden Rule, or the law of reciprocity. Simply put it's to treat others the way you want to be treated. It doesn't stipulate who these others are. It doesn't ask that you seek our only happy, smiling and outgoing people. Sometimes those who are the least inviting are the ones who need the most kindness!
I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!
Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!
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