Understand this, and you will get any girl, no money or beauty needed :).

She needs that sometimes you'll be funny,but sometimes serious
You're not a clown
she needs that sometimes you will be a child and sometimes mature,because you are not a 12 years old.
she needs that you will love yourself,she will feel it!
and sometimes she needs a father, be her anchor
but she wants you to be like a child, to hang on her.

sometimes she needs an advice , but sometimes she just needs you to shut up! just listen :)
she needs that you will contain her, all of her.

she needs
a free hand but also clear limits from you as well.
she need limits that realy important for you..

but first of all she needs to feel your are truthful.
she needs to feel that you love her more than anything and that she's the first place even there are more important things a t moment, she will understand , but she needs that you'll feel it,even if she is so annoying sometimes and intolerable.

she needs to feel that she can not step on you! you are a person that loves himself...

But at the end of the day she needs to FEEL.

you can hang on her but not 24 hours a day , It's exhausting.

you can be Intolerable ,but not 24 hours a day,you are allowed to be yourself, she wants it as well.

you do not need to be always so gentleman ,It's hypocrisy and let's talk honestly, that's boring..

you can tell her that you feel a bit less for her today and that you feel far from her or something annoying you, say it in a way that she understand ,and belive me she will understand even though there is some faces that she does like she is unpleased,unpleasant,the word is honest ,be honest dude.

don't be a mean "bad boy", you can be a "bad boy" on the outside or on the intimate situations but a good guy with a good heart on the inside.

be a caring guy, listen to her needs and tell her what you need as well..
don't lie to her! even on the small things, i will reach to a mountain of small lies..say the truth even when you think she will not accept it, she prefer the truth instead of smoothness behavior and lies.

you can wait with your truth sometimes because sometimes she can't hold your truth yet

reveal a part of you each day, a little peace of you every time..

what a women need?

that you'll be yourself,that's what women want,that is what women need.

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