So, I met my contact in Mexico and picked up the goods!

So, I've been bouncing back and forth across the US/Mexico border a bit lately. I've been both taking care of some business and having some fun. When I was in Mexico yesterday, I had an idea.


Down in the Mexican border towns, there are plenty of enthusiastic entrepreneurs. They always seem to come up with new and interesting ways to make money. One of the longtime staples of custom wares to sell has been personalized bracelets.

From first names to sports teams, the colors and words are yours to choose. I pondered the novelty of this for a moment and decided to put in a bulk order. I left a deposit with a guy yesterday and got a few samples up front, but had ordered enough that it would take some time to get them all made.


Although I was a little late for out high noon rendezvous, he was waiting and ready. I squared up on the rest of the payment, and he provided me with my order, thirty custom made STEEMIT.COM bracelets in two-tone blue.

I think that they look pretty nice, and that they can be used to promote steemit to others. Seriously, who wears a bracelet advertising a website? Well, when steemit is that website, I think I know plenty of people who would enjoy them.


My goal is simple. I like sending presents to other steemians. I've sent a lot of things in my time here, and I still have some more T-shirts to make when I get back home to send out. (@fingersik,, and others - I have not forgotten about you.)

Obviously, custom making T-shirts takes me time to produce the goods too, but these bracelets are already made. If anyone would like one, please comment below and let me know. I do not have enough for every steemian, but I do have a good handful. I'll be picking some of the people who reply to this post and contacting them on or discord to get a valid shipping address. I've already purchased the bracelets and will cover the shipping costs, so if I pick you, it'll be yours for free.

In total, I have about thirty of them ready to go. I'll wait until I get home in the next week or so to ship them out. Please comment below if you want a gift that @papa-pepper picked up in Mexico.


As an added bonus, I'll even pick a few winners to get personalized username bracelets, like this one that I had made for my twin @meesterboom.

So... if you are getting in the contest to try to get a STEEMIT.COM bracelet, why not try to get your own username bracelet too. When you reply, just add in the colors that you would like if I choose you as a custom winner. Please reply with the background color first and then the color for the lettering. As an example, the one for @meesterboom is BLACK/YELLOW, since the background is black and the lettering is yellow.

Yeah, this is kind of random and strange, but if Papa leaves the country on a trip, who wouldn't want him to bring them back something special? Again, what I can do is limited, but at least I will do it and I'll do it for free! So let me know you would like the chance to win one, and perhaps even a custom username bracelet of your color choice too!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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