Giving Back! FREE Vote From A Human To A Human :)

Calling All HUMANS!!!

I know Steemit has a lot of Bots that vote and comment. I am a HUMAN!!!

I've been here every day for over 500 days, manually voting and commenting. I wrote a few posts when Steemit started and have some decent Steem Power.

I want to Vote For YOU!!! You don't need to send me anything or do anything, other than to Reply here so I can Up Vote it.

What's This About?

Today I decided to start a new series for the purpose of Giving Back to the community that has been so good to me.

I am starting with something Simple!

Just comment below if you are a HUMAN! This Human will read it and UP vote it!

Click "Reply" then type in your comment, then click "Post."


Simple Rules!

Each Human who Replies gets an UP Vote from me, at 25%, on One of their Replies. Sorry, One Vote per Human. If you Reply more than once on this post, only One Reply gets the UP Vote.

I will be the sole judge of whether I think the Reply is by a Human! Some will be from obvious bots. Some may be from Spam Bots. "Nice post bro" might very well be spam and won't get a Vote.

I will limit this to the First 40 Replies By Humans, so I don't run my Vote Power down too far. Each vote should be over $1 if the current Steem price holds. At this moment, my 100% Up Vote is worth $4.86 and really more than that due to the high price of SBD!

Offer Ends when this post pays out in 7 days.

You do NOT have to UP vote this post. But it would be NICE! :)

You do NOT have to Resteem this post or Tweet it or anything. But you could.

What should I Reply?

Really? Just say anything a Human might say! :)

For example, tell me about a song you like, right now!

Right now, I like "Hey Now!" by The Regrettes!

The Music Video is a mini version of the movie "Hairspray". Do you like the song and/or video?

Why Am I Doing This?

I haven't Posted anything here in like, Foreverrrr!!! :D

However, I am here every day, Voting and Commenting. When I comment and someone replies to my comment I almost always UP Vote that Reply! I do a LOT of voting so my usual rule is - I vote posts around 25% and comments around 15% so I can vote as much as I want without running down the value of my votes.

So I just wanted to say, "Hey, I'm ALIVE!!!" and see what Humans might comment back, so I can UP vote YOU at 25%!

MORE Fun And Contests Coming!!!

Stay tuned! Maybe Follow me? :)

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