The best attribute of the Steem Virus - the ability to give

Steem has a magnificent multitude of compelling attributes but the one I wanted to post about is it's ability to give real value to others as either a reward or an act of charity. It's so easy and it's highly addictive because, you know what, it feels really really good.

At current price levels, depending on when I vote and with my voting power at around 80%, i can give someone a dollar or two for something I think is worthwhile. That might not seem like much, but it seems huge to me and is such a buzz.

If you want to check out your stats and voting power, visit Steem Whales, enter your account name in the 'search rankings' field. For further information, select your name and then select your steemd link.

I wonder what my total rewards allocated will be in two years or by the end of my life? What will those rewards have mean't to all those people, organisations and communities? What will they have done with them? I want to do it more, with more and boy does it make me value and cherish my Steem Power. I would like to be able to award even more, not because I think my subjective view of what is worthwhile is better than anyone else's, but because I enjoy it and I cherish the ability to have my say in how society works, what we build and how we behave towards each other, in a meaningful way. Understandably, the main focus in Steemit has been about getting rewards with the whales under enormous pressure to redistribute Steem rapidly and to reduce their stake. Casualties aside, in general the Steem community's demand for SP seems very high and that's no surprise when you consider it's only once you have the SP that the true magic can really begin...the giving.

We don't vote in this world with our feet, or our hands, we vote with our money. Allowing it's theft is tantamount to giving away our voice and when our voices are not heard......well look at the world.

The majority of Steem (steemit or busy) accounts have not yet experienced this incredible power to reward. When Steem is more widely distributed and the Steem price increases, I honestly believe this ability to give out rewards as an act of recognition, charity, friendship and support will unleash the true revolution in the social media economy we are trying to build. This is Steem's Super Power.

It is estimated that approximately $500 Billion is donated to charity annually with two thirds of that coming from the US alone. There can be no doubt that the vast majority of people on this planet are good and generous. We overwhelmingly want to help each other. Steem not only provides the means to harness this drive but also improves it's efficiency and folds the instinct to give into a far stronger, balanced and ultimately purer form of capital allocation. There is no limit to the kinds of activity that Steem can be used to reward. Conversely, there is no limit to the kinds of activity that will struggle for funding....

...for instance, when we pay our taxes for roads and schools, whose money is it that pays for those depleted uranium shells that aren't supposed to be used becuase they are toxic to humans and a crime against humanity? Is it mine? Yours?

Giving Steem at any level has value, but the more meaningful it becomes, the more SP we'll want, the more we'll want to participate and the more we'll cherish our Steem Power. That is one of the most potent and viral aspects to this Steem technology, network, economy, blockchain and, most importantly, community.

Happy Steeming

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