The Old Dog Asks: Am I a Disloyal Traitor? I'm Buying My Glasses On-Line!

Make America Great Again, Buy Canadian and Shop Where you Live!

You've most likely heard similar expressions and in many ways they make sense. If we all buy foreign made items or order on-line from abroad many of our friends and neighbours will be out of work.

Honestly, when it comes to eye glasses I've always tried to buy them from shops in my area but now I've decided to make a corporate decision. I'm going cheap and in this case it means on-line and from a far off land!

Can you see the chips on my glasses? Bottom left, bottom right, middle top left and middle top right!

What Are my Needs When it comes to Glasses

In my case I need them for distances over about 1 metre or 3 feet which means using them for both work, driving and even watching television (which I don't do much of becasue I don't own one).

Because of my needs and preferences I usually like to have 2 pairs, one normal and one pair of prescription sunglasses.

My Sordid Past When it Comes to Eyewear!

Every time I get a new pair I say to myself: "This time I'm going to take really good care of them so that they won't get scratched or damaged. As soon as I take them off they're going right back in the case. I'll never put them lens side down anywhere an I will certainly never drop them!" RIGHT! That lasts about 2 days!

I scratch, drop, misplace and lose my glasses REGULARLY!

You Paid HOW Much For Your Last Pair?

If I could mumble this I would. Are your ready?.............. $1200! Embarrassing isn't it? 

My last pair had the following expensive specs:

  • High tech metal frames which if bent would go right back into position.
  • Photochromic lenses so they turned dark in the sun. My idea was to have just one pair but they didn't turn very dark when driving!
  • Progressive lenses which I never got used to and I won't order again.

The real reason though for the high cost was that I bought them in Switzerland from a customer of mine. I could have paid a lot less in Italy and I'm going to pay a small fraction by buying on-line!

How Long Did My Last Pair of Glasses Last?

Undamaged for about one week and about one year before total destruction. The week after I got them I was gesturing while talking, knocked them off my head and chipped them. This dropping and chipping process repeated fairly regularly until them falling was combined with dropping them and smashing them! So here we are!

Here is the sad ending of my $1200 dollar glasses!

Chips, chips and more chips!

Why Get Them Abroad and On-Line?

A buddy of mine had frames that looked exactly the same as mine: I told him that mine had cost me about $1200 and I asked him what he had paid. He only paid $50! They came shipped from India, well packaged, with a hard case and a cleaning cloth! I've decided to buy mine at the same on-line shop and I'm going to chronicle the experience here.

What Glasses Will I Order?

Since I'm pretty rough on glasses and they're so cheap I've decided to get 4 pairs!

  1. regular glasses for work
  2. sunglasses for work
  3. regular glasses for outside of work
  4. sunglasses for outside of work

I figure that I can get 4 pairs of glasses for less than half of what I paid for one pair!

I'll Post My Experience Buying The Glasses On-Line and Then Give You My Review!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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