Kylmä Kivi 2017 Go Tournament - results and photos


Six players turned up on Saturday morning at the tournament venue. One pre-registered player from Helsinki told us on the phone just before the first round that he had not got out of bed yet and wouldn't come. An even number of players is good. Nobody had a free round. Above is a picture of the venue, Kahvila Oskari.

The results can be found at SuomiGo.

I won with 4/4. It was not a huge surprise given the rank distribution. But I had good games against Antti and Luciana, neither of which was played with handicap stones. Kylmä Kivi is a handicap tournament with handicaps reduced by two stones. Leo Larnos, aged 11, earned promotion from 20 kyu to 18 kyu by beating Petteri Pekonen, 6 kyu, in a nine stone handicap game. The difference in ranks was 14. To make the players have an equal probability of winning, Leo should have got 14 stones, which is not allowed under Japanese rules. It was a five stone underhandicap.

Also, check out @gamer00's article on the tournament.

After the tournament, five of us went down to the harbour to eat and drink beer. (Leo's beer was put on hold to accrue interest until he turns 18.) The weather was sunny and warm.


On the far side of the square, you can see Sibelius Hall, the main concert hall of Lahti.


The condos below tend to be a bit on the expensive side. Expect prices around 4000 to 5000 euros per square metre.


Everybody else had to go home. I decided to stop by at Mukkula Manor to the northeast, also by Lake Vesijärvi, on my way home. It felt like a crime to waste such a beautiful evening.


The pier at Mukkula Manor.


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