(Angie's Hodge Podge) Angie's Happy Must Dos - #2 - (Thurs) Friday, April (12) 13, 2018 - SIBWA Challenge Week 6 Day (5) 6 Entry

Hey Steem Soul Fam,

I told you in yesterday's day before yesterday's first post in this series that I always load up my Daily To Dos too much.

Yesterday AND day before yesterday was were no exception.


In addition to having too many items to get through, Wednesday is the worst day of my week, productivity-wise, because of offline happenings.

Anyhoo, I'm my intention is to keeping keep these posts super quick because I want to get them done consistently do them every morning and then move on to getting doing each day's chosen Happy Must Dos done. (Yeah... 'super quick'. Right! rolls eyes AND guffaws)

So let's keep yesterday's day before yesterday's whole list but I'll split it in to 1st Priority Happy Must Dos and 2nd Priority Happy Must Dos. I'll also now add a Soon Happy Must Do category too.

Each day's 1st Priority list can't have more than two three four items from now on... and the third first two is will always be 'publish today's blog post' 'publish today's blog post and write 15 comments'.

Because today is Thursday Friday and the official end of the Contest that was on my list yesterday, that has to be a 1st Priority today I get to go back to my TOP priority....putting in caps so it screams at both my conscious and subconscious so they WORK TOGETHER!!!

Ok, here's yesterday's day before yesterday's list, with progress noted:

Yesterday's Day Before Yesterday's Happy Must Dos List

  1. Reworking main website landing page - nada

  2. Writing emails for new email sequence - DONE. Too well. One email became two, so I have to split and rework for flow. This won't be sent out until Saturday/Sunday

  3. Catching up on a business challenge that started Monday - some but not enough

  4. Catching up on a Steemit contest that started Monday - joined, started 1st treasure map, found two of three clues

  5. Maybe starting a Bitcoin course I got over the weekend - nada

Reorganized as per new categories above:

Today's 1st Priority Happy Must Dos, Thursday Friday, April 12 13, 2018

  1. Publish today's Happy Must Dos blog post

  2. Day 1 Business Challenge Publish today's End of Day Journal blog post Write 10 quality comments

  3. Finish Pirate Treasure Hunt Contest to have chance of winning 5 SBD today Rework main website landing page

  4. Start editing overlong email I wrote day before yesterday to update/spring clean list of old email subscribers Publish today's End of Day Journal blog post

2nd Priority Happy Must Dos, Thursday Upcoming Weekend, April 12 14-15, 2018

  1. Mail main SA list with email coaching offer using manually set up Paypal payment link

  2. Start editing overlong email I wrote day before yesterday on Wednesday to update/spring clean second list of old email subscribers

  3. Catch up on Days 1-3 (maybe 4 and 5) main Business Challenge

Soon Happy Must Dos:

  1. Get Paypal button to work on Email Coaching sales page using crazy new membership software (God/dess, heaven and Guardian Angels help me!)

  2. Connect main optin with new membership site software Gift Membership (God/dess, heaven and Guardian Angels help me!)

  3. Figure out how to connect audio membership content on Amazon S3 to show up/play in gift members area (God/dess, heaven, Guardian Angels and ALLLLLL other Angels and Cosmic Friends help me!)

  4. Start Bitcoin course

Despite this being written up for yesterday, with all the editing, left in to keep it real, I'm now officially semi-exhausted. And hungry. Way past brekky time.

So that's today's plan, including the weekend's and soon to be done items too.

I hope this helps you get your main Happy Must Dos down on paper or phone or wherever to help you move through your chosen inspired action tasks today.

Good luck, cheering you on and talk later when I account for what I did do. ;)


PS If you'd like to know exactly when I publish new blog posts, let me know your best email.

PPS If you're new to my "Angela's Voice" blog and want to check out the type of posts I publish, just right click and choose 'Open new browser tab' and you'll be able to scan (and read) my most current AV blog archive.

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