Rules for the "Daily #introduceyourself Post Bounty"

This post is for the purpose of giving the rules for my "Daily #introduceyourself Post Bounty" so I don't have to "copy/paste" the rules every day, or retype them every day. I will simply be linking to this post in my daily posts.

Rules for Entering and Criteria for Intro Posts

Everyday I will reward up to 3 users for sending me links to #introduceyourself posts.

Not just any introduce yourself posts. They will have to meet specific criteria which I will outline in a moment, so you might have to do some looking 👁👁.

1. One link per person

I plan on running this bounty EVERY DAY, so please, give everyone a chance to claim a prize and only submit one entry per day.

2. Decent Intro Posts

Decent is a relative term for new users. I don't expect them to have phenomenal blogging skills, or use markdown like a boss, that is kind of unrealistic to ask of brand new users. I am looking for users who actually put some of themselves into their introduction. Not just "Hi I am such and such, I am exited to earn money on Steemit" and maybe a pic or two. That is not what I want. I want intros that people actually put a little thought into. That tell us a little about themselves, like hobbies, interests, maybe a little back story. Also maybe tell us a little about what brought them to the platform, or what they plan on blogging about now that they are here. Those are the kind of posts that I am looking for.

3. Posts twelve hours to three days old

I am not looking for BRAND NEW posts. I want to support users who are actually going to participate on the platform. Intro posts at least several hours old usually have a few comments on them. I am looking for users who are actually replying to those greetings, or have already left comments on other posts that they have read from different users. I will probably not Upvote an intro of an account that has only been open a few days, has one post and no comments. ESPECIALLY if there isn't a profile pic or a verification pic in the intro. Also, since I will be Resteeming the valid intro posts linked to me, I ask that they are not more then three days old. That way the post still has some time to be seen and voted on after I have Resteemed it. It does very little good to Resteem a post just before payout.

4. Upvote the "Daily Bounty" post to enter

I ask for your Upvote on my post. Not on this post, but on the post that linked you to this one. Not because I want the rewards for myself, but because the more support that I get for my project, the larger the bounty payouts will be everyday, and the better rewards will be given to the new user posts! My goal is to give out as much rewards to as many people as I can! I will use at least 50% of the SBDs that I make from these posts to purchase a SteemPower Delegation so that I can FURTHER increase my ability to reward new users and the people helping me find them!

5. Posts less than ten dollars

I want to spread rewards to posts that aren't already doing so well. Some people put a lot of time into their intro posts and only make a few cents. I want to help encourage these users to STAY on the platform by rewarding them with their intro posts! So I am looking for posts with lower payout. Let's say less than $10.00. If a post is in the #introduceyourself trending list, or already over ten bucks, then it is already doing pretty well. Let's spread the rewards around a little more evenly!

"Good Posts" are subject to the criteria listed above.

If I feel that the post you linked me to does not meet the outlined criteria, I will tell you which criteria your submission does not meet, and you are welcome to try another submission if the days bounties have not already been claimed. If you link me to a good intro post, but someone else has already linked me to that post, I will only Upvote the FIRST person to send me the link.

Thanks for participating in my Daily Post!

I'm @gogogadgetupvote and I'm Always On Duty!

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