How to Buy Gold with Steem

How to Buy Gold with Steem.

Let's buy some gold with our Steem!

In my original post I announced that we could now all buy gold with Steem. I had no idea I would get such a positive response! @goldmatters/turn-steem-into-gold

For more on Goldmoney you can check out my article here: @goldmatters/why-goldmoney-will-change-the-world

There was a demand for a more detailed explanation of the process. So Steemians.... here we go :)

Sign up for Goldmoney here:

Once you have a Goldmoney account, in the main dashboard click "deposit."

Then "additional options"

then "cryptocurrencies"


then click "next" (this will select the Dubai vault)

Pick STEEM from the drop down

and choose an amount to send
Enter return address.

(I used steemit, but this is not necessarily a recommendation.... make sure whichever word you use, you start it with a lowercase letter or it will not work) and click "process"

Go to your steemit wallet and click on "transfer" next to STEEM then enter "shapeshiftio" where it says "To". Then enter the SAME amount you entered for your Goldmoney deposit .

Back in your Goldmoney page, copy everything after "memo:" in the line below (it should start with the word "shapeshift"

Back to your steemit transfer, paste in "memo" and hit "submit"

You should see a notification in your Goldmoney account near the bell

and a pending purchase in your "recent activity"

This may last awhile until the gold is verified for you. Check help section for pending time estimation.

Congrats. You turned your STEEM, into gold.

Stay tuned for more Goldmoney updates. Post coming soon on how you can get your employer to pay you in gold!!!

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