What in the world is GOLDMONEY giveaway entry #whatintheworldsgoldmoney

The world is built on the illusion that fiat currency (paper money) is the backbone of modern society. What is it they say "money makes the world go round"??

Well fiat currency to those that are awake and understand the system is purely and simply an instrument of debt. The central banking system deals in the business of debt #FACT. They have created a game that only allows you play, if you play on their terms.

But what if there was a way to play their game another way!!??!! WELCOME TO GOLDMONEY.... So go check out @goldmatters.


If youre reading this then you probably don't need me to tell you what the benefits of gold, silver and other precious metals are, but if you do then you need to go do some research.

Goldmoney is a way to buy and invest in real tangible assets yet still play along with the mainstream, corrupt, race to the bottom. The principal behind Goldmoney is very simple. Invest in precious metal through them, at some of the best rates out there, they do all the hard work, you reap all the rewards.


#whatintheworldsgoldmoney? Goldmoney has a genius yet a very simple way to by-pass the corruption by allowing you to invest in precious metals then allowing you to spend the value by using Goldmoneys pre-paid credit card, which is backed by your precious metal holdings.


You own the gold, silver, platinum or palladium, it is yours, no one can take it from you, but the ability to spend it whenever and wherever you want is what makes it so brilliant. Ever tried going to your local supermarket and at the till offering to pay with silver??? You'd be laughed out the store... But this is exactly what your Goldmoney credit card allows you to do.

So #goldmoney has a two fold purpose. Safe, secure, cheap method to purchase, store or receive precious metals & the ability to spend it in everyday use. I know what I'd choose.

You may think this is just a hoax or gimmick but I believe in Goldmoney so much that I have my own account


And I have my very own stash of Goldmoney gold


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