Whereintheworldisgoldmoney Entry 2.25

Special thanks to @goldmatters for hosting one of the coolest contest I've seen in steemit.

I love seeing all the different entries.
I know from experience this contest takes a bit of commitment finding a cool location near you and making time in your schedule to go there.

I have really enjoyed watching this contest unfold. If you haven't seen any of the post for the #goldmoneywashere contest feel free to click on the tag and see all the different entries. #whereintheworldisgoldmoney

In my first entry I ended the post with a just for fun celebrity entry. My celebrity was a Mr. Potato statue located at Hasbro Inc in Pawtucket, Ri.
In 2000 Mr. Potato head was named "The official family-travel-embassador". There were supposedly 47 or so of them around the state. I went looking for them, hoping to write a story on them. That's when I came to realize most of them were retired.

As a thank you to @goldmatters for the inspiration his contest had given me. I did some wondering around the state so I could ever as many Mr. Potato Hears as I could into the contest.

  1. Mr. Potato Head's "Uncle Sam"


I see him daily, during the summer. He resides at the Senior Center in Bristol. He's a favorite during the Bristol 4th of July Parade. He's also the one that gave me the idea to find them. :)

  1. "Mr. Potato Head"himself the original was waiting for me at the Hasbro Inc Location in Pawtucket, Ri.


I met him earlier this week. He put the finishing touches on my original #goldmoneywashere entry: @dreamingirwin/where-in-the-world-is-goldmoney-contest-entry-ri-style

  1. Mr. Potato Head's Italian cousin "Vino Di Vini".


Is a permanent part of the Clements MARKETPLACE In Portsmouth, Ri. I could only meet up with him after work, so he graciously waited for me outside his store even though it had gotten dark. Luckily he had company.

4 ) Mr. Potato's other cousin "Meet and Potato's" was there also.


Which I really appreciated, because I was hoping to meet up with Mr. Potato's younger brother "Sunbaked" at the Westerly Airport and it was getting late. I arrived at the airport an hour later and not only was the airport smaller then I expected. It was closed.

I could see Sunbaked standing on the outside platform inside airport grounds. Yet I couldn't get a picture with him because he was locked in. I read that their sister's home way from home was in Warwick so I rushed over there.

  1. Red Hot Potato was standing outside of Day-O-Lite Florescent Fixture in Warwick, RI


By this time no one was in building and the lights were off. I was surprised I found her in such short notice. Yet my time was up.

Luckily, earlier this week I ran into "Regular Joe at the Dunkin Donuts in Warren, RI. Yet it never occurred to me tell him about the contest.


Though I did tell him about the Follow up Mr. Potato Head reunion post I was working on.

The relationship to Mr. Potato Head mentioned in this post is just for fun. Yet I found this redit post very useful in my mission.


Thanks for sharing with me. I know this post is a little silly.
Hope you enjoyed it.
God bless :)


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