Goldmoney Was Here in Historic Kew Botanical Gardens, Richmond, England!

I'm not sure if Goldmoney has ever been endorsed by a bear before, but there's a first time for everything!

When asked if he'd heard of Goldmoney he said "Goldmoney Rocks!"

Please note he was not bribed with any picnic baskets. He's obviously just "smarter than the average bear"!

DSC_0007.JPGThis furry fella guards the pathway to Queen Charlotte's Cottage in Kew Gardens.
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This storybook English cottage was the playhouse for King George III and Queen Charlotte's 15 children!

Kew Gardens is a botanical garden in southwest London that houses the "largest and most diverse botanical and mycological collections in the world". Founded in 1840, its living collections include more than 30,000 different kinds of plants and trees from all over the world. Kew was also the favorite country retreat of royalty in centuries past, particularly George III and remains a popular place to hike, picnic and enjoy nature to this day.

Just across the Thames is Syon House, home to the Dukes of Northumberland for over 400 years. The history of Syon House includes such notables as the infamous King Henry VIII, his 5th wife Katherine Howard, and Lady Jane Grey.

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